Being responsible towards the society, RONKEL Group has started the unique mission: “DE-STRESS INDIA” and an initiative “SKILLS AID” under its belt.
As the name “De-stress India” suggests, we are making an effort to reduce the stress and bring more positivity and happiness into human lives.
The distinctive activities that have been carried out under this mission so far are as follows:
The initiative “Skills Aid” has been started to help India for developing their skills.
The first step which has been carried out under this mission is:
The mission “De-stress India” was started with a workshop on “Theatre Arts” at Jaipur Military Station. 22 soldiers participated and performed 3 plays on the final day of the workshop for more than 300 audience members consisting of officers, soldiers and their families, who were thoroughly entertained by the overall performances. Every moment of the training and the performance brought lots of happiness and joy to their stressful lives. The workshop was immensely appreciated by the then GOC-in-C Lt. Gen. Mr. Gyan Bhusan.The real success of the mission was the happy and content faces of our beloved soldiers.
Event 2:Understanding the importance of our initiative “De-Stress Soldiers”, GOC-in-C South Western Command Lt. Gen. Mr. A. K. Sahni gave us another opportunity to take our mission forward by de-stressing more soldiers. This time 28 soldiers participated in 3 plays and a short film titled “Forever Ahead – Jana Gana Mann”. Mrs. Vinita Sahni, Regional President, AWWA, South Western Command along with Former Director General of Defense Intelligence, Lt. Gen. Mr. Mandhata Singh graced the final event as chief guests to motivate the soldiers. It was encouraging for us to be approached again by this prestigious organization.
Another golden feather in our cap was added when the then Director General of Prisons, Rajasthan, Mr. Omendra Bhardwaj (IPS) invited us to de-stress the Jail Inmates. It was the first of its kind initiative in the history of Indian Jails. The initiative was highly admired by one and all including the high ranking officers and the participants as the mission was successfully accomplished.
Workshop in News:For the Anti-Corruption Bureau, Maharashtra, we conducted a Skills Aid workshop on photography and videography under the guidance of many national and international award winner ace cinematographer Mr. Binod Pradhan. More than 80 officers were trained including the high ranking officers Mr. Sanjay Barve (IPS) and Mr. Rajnish Seth (IPS) and others. The one day workshop was very much beneficial for all the attendees on a personal as well as professional level as stated. We are very grateful to the then Director General, Mr. Praveen Dixit (IPS) for believing in RONKEL MERI amongst other institutes.